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Campus Resources

Find resources to help you with your journey at UC Merced


Academic Success                                        

UC Merced’s Success Anywhere website supports student success by providing support, guidance, and resources that equip students to pursue their educational journey. 
  • Visit Success Anywhere for resources to be a successful student at UC Merced.
  • Create SMART goals to effectively accomplish both personal and academic goals.



Office of the Registrar                                    

Office of the Registrar is the primary office of academic records and oversees various academic processes and programs. 
  • See Academic Policies to be informed of your rights and responsibilities as a UC Merced student.
  • Plan your course with MyDegreePath and visit the Registration Help page for a step-by-step guide to understand the registration process. 
  • Many academic forms may now be submitted electronically.  Visit Forms and Processing Times to understand how long a form takes to be processed.  
  • Visit the Academic Schedules page to view academic calendar, courses, dates, and deadlines


Financial Aid & Scholarships                          


The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships provides accessible and inclusive financial aid, student support, and financial wellness services that promote the recruitment, retention, and benefits of students beyond degree completion.
  • Financial Aid offers different types of grants on the basis of financial need and do not have to be repaid. Grants for both entering and continuing UC Merced students are awarded each year.
  • Scholarships are gift funds that are often awarded on the basis of financial need, merit, academic achievement, special talents, interest, or other criteria defined by the sponsoring organization or donor. Scholarship funds do not have to be repaid.
  • Loans are financial aid awards that require repayment with interest under varying terms and conditions.
  • Federal Work-Study is a federally funded program that enables you to earn money for college costs through part-time employment.



Campus Tutoring                                            

There are free campus tutoring resources for students in various subjects.
  • Peer Led Undergraduate Study (PLUS) Center offers learning support for students who take SSHA courses.
  • The STEM Tutoring Hub provide tutoring in a structured, discipline-specific manner in STEM subjects: Biology, Chemistry, CSE, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics.   
  • The University Writing Center offers one-on-one consultations and workshops for students from all majors, providing feedback and resources for students throughout the writing process. 



Research Opportunities                                  

As a public research university, UC Merced has many different opportunities for students to get involved in research. Students are encouraged to connect with their professors to discuss how to get involved in research. In addition, UC Merced offers the research programs below:
Students as early as their first year have the opportunity to participate in faculty research projects, contribute to faculty research publications in academic journals, and present at conferences. Academic research is a critical part of UC Merced’s mission and all undergraduates are encouraged to participate in research.
Special Research institutes and centers include: 
  • Health Science Research Institute
  • Sierra Nevada Research Institute
  • University of California Advanced Solar Technologies Institute
  • Stem Cell Instrumentation Foundry
  • Imaging and Microsopy Facility
        UROC offers the following research programs:
  • UROC-H: Undergraduate research in the Humanities
  • California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP)
  • UC Leadership Excellence Through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS)
  • Joint Genome Institute (JGI)
  • Summer Opportunity for Advanced Research (SOAR)
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Career Services                                            


Student Career Center

The Student Career Center prepares students for professional careers after college.  SCC helps  students develop the skills and mindset that will make their transition out of college successful, regardless of what their next step entails. SCC is a partner in each student’s journey.                                                                                                                                          



Calteach is a systemwide program initiated by the state and the University of California to prepare and support students who are interested in beocoming K-12 math and science teachers.  
Calteach offers two minor options:
o Natural Sciences Education (NSED) minor allows students to complete courses at UC Merced to introduce students to the classroom and develop skills used to run a classroom efficiently.
o Natural Science Education minor with Teaching Credential (NSEC) is a joint program with UC Berkeley.  Completing the NSEC minor allows students to graudate simultaneously with both a Bachelor's degree from UC Merced and a Single Subject teaching credential in science or mathematics from UC Berkeley. 


Student Support Services                                   


Counseling & Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) supports mental health and well-being of students.  CAPS offer groups and individual counseling sessions.  


Student Accessibility Services

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) promotes equal educational access and full participation for students with disabilities at UC Merced.  They provide accommodations for housing, academic support, transportation, and campus life environment.   


Calvin E. Bright Success Center (BSC)

The BSC provides learning support, transition programs, and individualized interventions for students to be successful in their academic and personal development.  They offer a variety of workshops and learning tools in time management and study strategies to foster academic success.  BSC also offers programs to support specific student populations.